What is GRANDER® Water?
Water that is highly energetic and structured with organically stable valuable qualities.
Water possesses an immune system. The basic idea behind the method proposed by Johann Grander is to strengthen the self-cleaning effect and immune resistance of water by improving its structure.
The GRANDER® Water Revitalization is based on the understanding of molecular resonance and water's natural ability to transfer information. The core element of GRANDER® water revitalization is the active medium known as “information water”. All GRANDER® water revitalization devices consist of this highly energetic and structured water – made according to the special process and knowledge of Johann Grander.
Water's natural ability to promote life and remove waste is negatively impacted by its surrounding environment. Environmental influences such as high pipe-pressure, electrosmog, radioactivity, and chemicals/pharmaceuticals found in municipal water supply degrade the internal structure of water.
GRANDER® can correct this degradation by changing its molecular structure and restore its unique benefits. Through its high internal order, this information water can transfer natural information and vibrations that inherently reprogram non-revitalized water. Restoring the water to a naturally stabilized microbiological quality without ever coming in contact.
Johann Grander’s goal was to make the properties of revitalized water – with all its positive effects for humans, animals, and plants – transferrable to all water sources either standing or circulating. It should be available for all those who drink it and use it in their everyday lives.
GRANDER® Water Revitalization Devices work solely with natural energy; they are non-electrical, non-chemical, service-free, and require no maintenance.
Learn more about GRANDER® Water revitalization by visiting the corporate website.